Well, you was dreaming that you gave birth to a new baby, that you are a mommy now. You prepared yourself for changes in your life: how you would care about your baby. You supposed what must be done first for settling all-new style of life: new lovely cradle, cute baby clothing, the most comfortable stroller and other so important and cutie things. You imagined how all family members would melt at the sight of a baby.
Mostly it become true. Of course, the birth of a new baby is a huge event for all family. But let’s not forget that the most importance it has only and mostly for new mother. No one would ever feel it the same way as new mommy. But the drama is, new mommy usually waits for a very reverent attitude for a long period of time. And the conflict is that soon all family members usually forget about specialty of recent events and turn to their common lifestyle. But your life has changed drastically. And almost nobody can feel it the same way as you, nobody can understand you.
As a result soooooooo many women felt isolated, depressed, lonely and dissatisfied with their whole life because of this misunderstanding.
Your life really has changed drastically. The usual way of life, social circle, even the daily regime was abruptly interrupted. Now you have more hard physical and monotonous work. You have to take care about child, keep the house in order, prepare food, pay attention to your husband, take care of your appearance and damn do not go crazy!
Yes, all these thoughts are quite unsettling and exhausting. Ok, you are right it damn exhausting and unfair. Why on Earth can’t anybody understand you? Why no one wants to put themselves in your place?
Well, I want to say, from my own experience, that your family members do understand you. But they have their own lives and THEIR OWN DUTIES, sometimes heavy duties and works. Your husband now have to work harder because he feels huge responsibility for you and your baby. He needs to earn enough money to provide increased needs of the family. You parents also need to work and look after their houses and maybe garden or whatever. It takes time and physical resources so they simply get tired quickly.
You need to understand this.
But it doesn’t mean, that you can’t ask help, politely ask for help.
In the conclusion, I want to say, to become a mother is the most great thing, that could happen with the woman. It is a great blessing. But you need to be ready to drastic changes, to cope with all difficulties, to adjust to absolutely new life style.
And, as a result, you will gain new level of experience, skills, feelings, emotions. You can see the life from new height, from new perspective. You will discover new talents in yourself, and understand what you are really capable for.